viernes, 12 de junio de 2015

Today we took a long bus ride to Besullo where we had the amazing oppurtunity to meet the nephew of Alejandro Casona. We learned all about Casona, but also the small town of Besullo. We walked around the entire town and got to see the blacksmith at work. The blacksmith had harnessed the power of water to pump oxygen into his fire and to power a hammer to pound metal. Then, we climbed the mountain behind his shop and saw lots of cows. Finally, we were able to enter Casona's home. In the house we saw the kitchen, the room where Casona was born, and even got to listen to one of his records. We left the house through the basement, and saw an army jeep. After our tour through the house, we sat down at a restaurant where we had vegetable soup, meat, bread, fish, and a delicious chocolate cake. Having eaten tons of food, we got back onto the bus to go to part of the Camino de Santiago. While on the bus, we listened to lots of music and played a lot of games. When we arrived, we walked down the trail, and sang God Bless America for some of the people who were completing the walk. Then we got back onto the bus to return to Oviedo.

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