miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015

Day 1-2

Today we left for Madrid, España! We left St. Louis at 3:30 pm on a flight to Atlanta, Georgia where we were supposed to have a one hour layover. Our flight to Atlanta took off on time and we landed with just enough to time to get to our next plane without any troubles. Here is where the struggle began. Do we all boarded the plane, switched around seats as we could sit next to our friends, then proceeded to sit for the next two hours while the plane had "technical difficulties." In addition to this, there was no AC. It was a long two hours to say the least. After two hours of sitting in the sweltering plans we deplaned and switched gates. We rushed to get some dinner and got on another plane only to wait another hour before we took off because the catering service had to be transferred to the new plane. We ended up taking off around 11 pm. Most people slept and watched movies to pass the time during the 8 hour flight. Once we landed we quickly went through customs, grabbed our bags, and met up with Abel, our tour guide for the trip. After a long day and night of traveling, we began a half day of tours. First, we saw el museo reina sofia . The highlight of which, at least for me, was seeing Guernica in person. At el museo, we had some bocadillos and café con leche before visiting the palace and puerta del  sol. For dinner we had a variety of Hispanic buffet style foods and then had some great churros with chocolate for desert. By the time we got back to the hotel, everyone was exhausted and didn't have much trouble falling asleep even with the time change. We had a rocky start with our plane troubles, but the tours were great and there's a lot more to come! 

Hasta luego,
Drew y Alex

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