domingo, 14 de junio de 2015

Day 8

Today we woke up at 4:30 am and left Bilbao and our beloved guide Abel who had been with us since Madrid and took a 6 hour train ride to the wonderful city of Barcelona. We met our new guide Eleonora at the airport and then drove to our hotel ibis. After dropping off our stuff at the hotel, we proceeded to the beach! We experienced a little bit of the Catalunyan pride in the subway but moved on and continued to enjoy some ice cream in the crowded Olympic Village. Then we visited the famous Batló House, designed by Gaudí, where we were able to go on the roof and see a bit of the city. We then walked to a second house designed by Gaudí called La Pedrera (or the quarry) and admired it from the outside. After a fun, but long day, we headed off to dinner where we ate a large tapas dinner of 10 different dishes! A favorite seemed to be the mussels, where the senior boys ate 4 plates of them! At about 11 pm we headed back to the hotel and fell asleep almost immediately. What a fun first day in Barcelona!
By Emily and Mad

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