jueves, 13 de junio de 2013


And we come to a close. Que lastima!!!! Today was a very fun conclusion to a wonderful  viaje in Spain full of memories. We started our day off with an extremely fun trip to the stadium of the Real Madrid Futbol team. During our tour we saw the museum of trophies including Euro Cups, in addition to the opportunity to explore the team locker rooms! We especially enjoyed taking countless photos on the field, the team benches and in the press room. Afterward, we took the bus back to Puerta del Sol where we enjoyed an afternoon full of exploring. Many spent their lunch in the San Miguel Market where we enjoyed tons of beautiful tasty treats. Others encountered some small cafés with tons of tapas.

After lunch, we all got an hour and a half to explore the streets of Madrid (using the buddy system of course). Some of us just walked around and enjoyed some delicious helado (ice cream) while others spend their time looking for different clothes and souvenirs. After our time was up, we all gathered back at the big statue with the horse and returned to the hotel to rest up for the big event of the day: the flamenco show.

After two hours of lounging around the hotel, we all departed in very classy clothes for the dinner and show.  After getting a bit lost, we arrived at the restaurant and sat down to what was to be one of the best meals of the trip. We were treated to a wonderful paella, pan (bread), cheese, tortillas and various other tapas. Right before we were served the delicious closing course of chocolate cake, magic happened. The lights were dimmed, the guitar was strummed and dancers went to work. It was one of the most unique, wonderful shows anyone has ever experienced. After we left, everyone agreed that it was something they'll always remember. We then returned to the Puerta del sol, where we snappd some last photos before our flight home tomorrow.

Before we say adios, we want to thank Señora Cohen and Señor Carvajal for making this trip happen as well as being wonderful chaperones/parents. We also want to thank our tour guide Yolanda for showing us the country. And of course, muchas gracias to the parents for letting us have this wonderful experience. We'll see you all tomorrow at 9 pm at Lambert Airport!

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