lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

Day 6

Today, we woke up bright and early then got on the bus and left the hotel for the city of Cordoba. The drive was about five hours long and most of us slept on the bus (or at least tried), but we stopped in a small town on the way for some snacks and later we stopped again for lunch. At 1:00 we finally got to the living museum of Cordoba. There we saw a beautiful Mosque, la mesquita, in which a cathedral was built after the christians conquered the previously Muslim city. After visiting la mesquita we walked around the jewish quarter of Cordoba which was filled with beautiful, green plazas and then we went shopping and exploring the rest of the city. We then travelled to the olive oil capital of Spain, Baena. All of plains and hills surrounding the town were filled with olive groves, and while we were in the city we learned about the great and interesting history of the olive oil industry, and also got to try several varieties of olive oil. After the long day of travels we finally arrived at our hotel in Granada and ate there. It was a long but fun travel filled day. Hasta Manana!

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